add a pic of wedding bands here

Skin care prior to your wedding day will guarantee that your skin is healthier and the best canvas for a professional make up or the natural look.  The results acquired during the treatment will be long term and with proper maintenance, your skin will have a lifetime or health and beauty.

12 months program – $1111 (i need to fix this rices later)

6 months program – $111

3 months program -$111

All programs are customized to your skin’s condition, lifestyle and wedding schedule.  The earlier you start the better the treatment plan and results will be, so call today for a free consultation.

Other helpful information:

Keep your skin safe during makeup trials

Have a great cleanser handy as you will undoubtedly be testing out various looks with new makeup products and trials with makeup artists. Never leave it to chance that you have to grab some regular soap to wash your face! The worse thing for your skin is leaving residue of these products on overnight, causing breakouts or sensitivity.

Your makeup remover and/ or cleanser should leave your skin fresh without stripping natural oils.

Invest in professional brands

The reason expert facialists, like myself recommend professional brands and treatments, and use them ourselves, is because these products have more active, stronger ingredients at higher concentrations or therapeutic value.  Non-professional products available on the stores often have low activity levels to avoid any issues with sensitivity.  The other crucial difference between self-selecting from a shelf and visiting a facialist is that with the latter you can benefit from a therapist guided consultation, to get product that’s specific to YOUR skin and its needs.

Lower Inflammation

Inflammation is the cause of many skin conditions and disorders, so keeping the skin cool and calm during the lead-up to your wedding is fundamental in reducing red, blotchy patches (as well as the effects of aging). Positive lifestyle changes reduce inflammation, such as cutting down sugar, artificial trans fats, Omega-6 fats, refined carbohydrates,  dairy,  processed meat, and alcohol intake.  Increase non-inflammatory foods like Omega-3 and Omega-9, fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and many herbs and spices are antioxidants and anti inflammatory.

Herpes Simplex

Numerous factors have been identified as stimulants for a breakout, such as natural or artificial ultraviolet light (e.g., sunlight, tanning beds), lip chapping, lip trauma or abrasion (as chemical peels and other skin care treatments), fever (probably the origin of the lay term “fever blister”), menstrual periods, fatigue, overexposure to wind, immunosuppression, the common cold, dental instrument irritation of intra oral tissues, tooth removal or other dental surgery, digestive problems, traveler’s diarrhea, decompression of the trigeminal nerve, physical stress, and pregnancy.  The use of an antiviral medicine, to prevent a outbreak or consult your primary care physician or dermatologist for advice.

Supplemments for skin care

Acne: Melatonim, zinc, omega-3, gamma-linolenic acid

Rosacea:  Pro biotics, digestive enzymes, omega-3

Rejuvenation: Vitamin C, green tea, omega-3

Gift the bride, groom or anyone else in the wedding party a gift certificate.

add a gift certificate photo here, the one that is balck and white and has the weddingn rings on them.

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