Achieve Clear Skin Naturally

Discover the root causes of acne and learn how to achieve clear, healthy skin through holistic methods. No expensive products required.

Understanding Acne: A Holistic Approach

Acne is more than just a skin condition; it's a reflection of your overall health. As a holistic skincare specialist, I am tutelaged in the true causes of face and body acne. There is intricate connections between diet, toxins, emotions, and your skin. My approach focuses on natural methods to clear your skin, empowering you to make informed choices that promote lasting skin health.

Use the face mapping above to determine the location of your acne and white heads to determine its source.

The most common candida producing foods are sugar, simple carbohydrates, pea protein, protein powders, and citric acid.


Food preservatives are found in candy, protein bars, fast food, frozen meals, protein powders, vegetable powders, and all packaged foods.

Blackhead, anywhere in the face or body, is a mucus purge.  The major sources of mucus producing foods are ice cream, dairy products, energy drinks, candy, corn and corn products, alcohol, emulsifiers (mayo/yogurt), and soda.

CANDIDA ACNE Candida acne is the result of candida overgrowth in the gut that results from antibiotics as medication or in foods, hormones from medication or in foods, excess sugar in the diet and/or mucus producing foods like fried food, dairy and citric acid. The candida releases toxins that are absorbed by a region of the gut and purged from the mirroring region on the face. The more candida there is, the more cystic the response. The reason mucus-producing foods increase candida is because mucus provides a cozy haven for the overgrowth of candida.

HORMONAL ACNE Hormonal acne is the result of xenoestrogens being purged through the skin in regions after being processed by the liver. The most common estrogen toxins associated with the menstrual cycle are food preservatives so we have separated them out from the plasticides, pesticides and chlorine on the map. When the body is exposed to them, it reduces the activity/presence of natural Estrogen production thus resulting in a Testosterone dominance pattern. The reason teenage boys often have an increase of jawline acne is because there Testosterone levels are surging and the body is trying to remain balanced. By purging estrogenic toxins the body can raise its natural estrogen levels and restore balance. The reason women get jawline acne right before the start of their menstrual cycle is because their body has a surge of Testosterone and this triggers a similar attempt to balance the body by purging estrogen toxins.

PLASTICIDE ACNE Plasticide acne is the result of the body being overexposed to plasticides (primarily BPA) in their environment. The neck purges these toxins once they reach critical levels and begin affecting the Estrogen-Testosterone balance. In men this looks like “ingrown hairs”, in women this is neck acne.

CHLORINE ACNE Chlorine acne is the result of excess exposure to chlorine either by ingestion of public water or swimming in chlorinated water. Chlorine is also an estrogen toxin so it is processed by the liver and purged out of the chest or back depending on the type of chlorine exposure. This is seen in swimmers quite often as the skin absorbs the chlorine from the pool and then purges it through the skin when the Estrogen-Testosterone imbalance is intensified.

BLACKHEADS Blackheads are the result of mucus being processed and purged out of the pores which is why is comes out in the digestive zones. Mucus can be from allergies/post-nasal drip, or inflammatory foods like fired food, dairy or citric acid containing candies/juices. 

ENLARGED PORES Enlarged pores come from a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/ gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause of pores is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.

PESTICIDE ACNE Pesticide acne is the result of the body being overexposed to pesticides from food, water or air exposure. This is particularly problematic in farming/rural communities. Many of these are also xenoestrogens and may cycle based on menstrual patterns or Testosterone levels as described with Hormonal Acne. This and plasticides are the cause of “ingrown hairs” on the neck which are actually toxin purge reactions wherein the swelling traps the hair, not the other way around.

CONSTIPATION ACNE Constipation acne is the result of toxins from the incomplete evacuation of fecal matter being reabsorbed by the rectum and purged out of the skin around the mouth.

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Emotions affect your acne

Self conscious

To be self-conscious means to be nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions.  You can see how this feeling can feed into having acne and reinforce it self by ahving acne.

Here are some synonyms:

  • embarrassed

  • uneasy

  • uncomfortable

  • abashed

  • uptight

  • nervous

Accepting your self as you are is a practice for most of us, so learning this lesson will serve you in all aspects of your life.  Talk to a trusted and wise family member or friend, to find ways to be self loving and accepting.


Stress does not increase oil production on the skin, but does lower your immune system.  So, a body under stress has higher difficulties processing toxins, causing it to purge thru the skin.

Acne Myths Debunked

Myth #1: Acne is an infection.

The skin is a detox organ, which uses the pores and the sebum in the pores to expel toxins from the skin.  This is an inflammatory process, but not an infection.  There is a toxin in the body and the body expel this toxin by placing it in the sebum (oil) and then pushes it out of the pore.  The skin is the largest detox organ in the body.  This expulsion shows up on the skin as an acne or blackhead.


Myth #2: The acne is caused by a plug of the pore.

While the skin is purging a toxin, the pore becomes inflammed.   The inflammation  causes the skin to create a scab, like a scab over a wound. Once the wound (acne) is healed the scab will no longer be there.


Myth #3: Acne is caused by excess oil

While some acne are present in oily areas of the face like the T zone, acne also forms in areas of the body that is not oily like the back, cheeks, and neck.  this demonstrates that acne is not formed by excess oil.

Myth #4: Diet does not affect acne

Start to notice the connection between your diet and your skin by paying attention to the foods you consume. Usually sugar and dairy intake can trigger breakouts on your skin within 24 to 48 hours. 

Myth #5: Acne is hormonal

Hormones do not cause acne.  Studies have shown that during the menstrual cycle there is no increase in oil on the skin.  Hormonal acne correlates to candida because progesterone increases before menstruation, and progesterone increases the candida population in the body.  The body responds by purging the candida toxin, in a form of a zit or milia.  

Myth #6: Blackheads are dirty pores

Blackheads are not dirt in your pores.  Extra washing or exfoliating will not keep blackheads from returning.  Blackheads are a mucus purge from fried foods and dairy consumption.


Dangerous foods to be avoided

  • Fast Food

  • Soda

  • French fries

  • Processed cheese

  • Potato chips

  • Candy, specially sour candy

  • Sugary foods like cookies and donuts

  • Frozen meals

  • Long self life items, like cup noodles and white bread

  • Canned baked beans and soup

  • Processed foods like bacon, hot dogs, deli meats

  • Alcohol

Dangerous ingredients to be avoided


Accutane suppresses immune function.  Accutane has serious side effects.  See below for details


Retinoids, especially Retin A, inflame the skin and
distract/suppress the immune system

Acid peels

Acids disrupts the protective barrier, increase inflammation, and kills vital bacteria on the surface of the skin.

Benzoyl peroxide

Using oxygen free radicals (benzoyl or hydrogen
peroxide) wounds the skin and increases inflammation.  Studies show sebum declines initially with benzoyl peroxide, but
within 1-2 months increase by 22.5%


Internal or external antibiotics suppress immune activities by being toxic. It kills vital bacteria that are important for the wellness of the person.


Lasers heat up the skin destroying collagen fibers and increasing inflammation.  Laser resurfacing can lead to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. The most common infection is a flare-up of the herpes virus — the virus that causes cold sores.  The skin can also develop scarring,  increase pigmentation, or loose pigmentation.

Common side effects of isotretinoin, Accutane

Common side effects of antibiotics

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Dryness in and around the mouth

  • Sore throat or irritation

  • Changes in the color of your urine

  • General inflammation or itching

  • Numbness in the skin

  • Rash or allergic reactions

  • Regular headaches

  • Blurry vision

  • Joint or muscle pain

  • Pain or pressure around the chest

  • Problems with breathing or swallowing

  • Bloody stool

  • Seizures

  • Hives

  • Yeast infections in women

Your Journey to Clear Skin

Follow these steps to achieve clear, radiant skin naturally.


Understand the Root Causes

Understand the skin map and you will learn about the source causes of acne.  Make smart decisions about your diet, toxins, and emotional stress.


Debunk Common Myths

Don’t fall victim to acne treatments targeting excess oil production which dehydrates or exfoliates the skin.  Don’t believe that there is bad bacteria in your skin or body that needs to be killed.


Adopt a Holistic Approach

Incorporate healthy and fresh foods and drinks.  Exercise to balance the hormones and expel toxins.  Expose your torso to sun light, 10-20 minutes per day, for a healthy dosage of vitamin D.


Monitor and Adjust

Your skin is a messenger and gives you constant feedback. Assess your skin’s progress by how it looks, and make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle, diet, toxins and emotions.

Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our personalized skincare services.

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