Understanding Eczema

Eczema in America: Causes and Natural Healing

Everyone knows someone that suffers with eczema or psoriasis.  Discover the underlying source of eczema and explore natural, holistic approaches to treating this common skin condition at its source.

What is Eczema?

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of Americans. Characterized by inflamed, itchy, and red patches of skin, eczema can significantly impact the quality of life. It is prevalent in children and adults, even babies can also suffer from it. One in ten Americans suffers from this unconfortable condition.

Understanding its source explains its prevalence and it is crucial for managing and treating this condition effectively.

Causes of Eczema

Unraveling the Myths and Knowing the Truth

Eczema is not a complex condition with unknown cause as the medical industry has made us  beleive.  Eczema is not caused by genetics, the environment, immune system dysfunction, dry skin, pathogens, or scratching.

Eczema does not have multiple contributing factors. Genetics does not play a role.  If you family has a history of eczema, you are more likely to develop it, because you are sharing a similar llifestyle.  Environmental factors such as allergens, pollutants, and harsh weather conditions do not cause eczema, but can exacerbate the  symptoms.

Lifestyle choices, specifically diet, causes eczema/psoriasis.  Eczema is primarily caused by candida over growth in the gut.  It is often complicated by excess gut mucus that protects and encourages candida growth.  In rare cases it can be from a food allergy.


Gut health is skin health

The Problem is in Your Gut, not in Your Skin

Why is gut health skin health?

When food is not properly broken down within the stomach, it becomes a source of irritation, allergies, and inflammation as it passes through the digestive tract.  The body responds by increasing mucus in order to protect the delicate lining of the intestine tract.  The candida, finds safe harbor in the mucus and resides in the gut lining.  In addition, a diet rich in sugar, corn products, citric acid,  and dairy products feeds candida growth. Our bodies are designed to handle toxins, like the toxins released from the candida.   When the toxins reaches and goes beyond the threshold, the skin steps in to help purge the toxins via the skin.  The presentation of rashes, dry patches, redness and inflamed skin is the skin demonstrating the effect of the inflammatory and immune response which are annihilating the candida toxins.

Natural Healing Methods

Holistic Approaches to Eczema

The holistic approach to eczema is the only approach that will treat eczema at its source.  Treating eczema naturally involves a mucus detox, a candida detox and diet modification.  Start by incorporating a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods such as leafy greens, fatty fish, and nuts. Regular exercise and stress management techniques like yoga and meditation can also play a crucial role in reducing eczema flare-ups. Additionally, natural topical treatments such as coconut oil, aloe vera, and oatmeal baths can soothe irritated skin. View the mucus causing food list and the candida causing food list below, and start to make educated choices today.

Holistic Treatments at Skin Rx

Skin Clarifier

SKIN CLARIFIER is a 10-day mucus cleanse that gently cleansing the digestive tract of unwanted toxins and mucus that often find their way to the skin as eczema, psoriasis, blemishes, dry/irritated skin, or blackheads. This cleanse will detoxes mucus throughout the body, promotes gut health,  constipation releif, gas and bloating support, sinus congestion, and improve energy levels.

Skin Perfection Elixir

SKIN PERFECTION is an elixir that detoxes candida from the body.  This elixir has SCALAR frequencies that has been clinically proven to cancel candida, balance digestive causes of skin issues, disempowers skin toxins, and it contains candida-defense technology™

Skin Aid

SKIN AID is made with Organic Triphala, Organic Psyllium, and Beta-Carotene to help support the microbiome for healthier gut and skin facilitating decrease of excess mucus. These ingredients have been shown to boost immunity, enhances gut and skin health, reduce mucus formation and congestion, provide potent antioxidant support for cellular protection, and aid in alleviating constipation by promoting regularity.

Emotional Well-Being Elixir

EMOTIONAL WELL BEING utilizes cutting-edge SCALAR frequency technology, to address eye lid eczema, caused by stress-induced issues and emotional unrest. This revolutionary supplement can be used to harmonize negative thinking patterns and their effect on the body, in addition to restoring a feel-good vibration. 


RECOVERY’s nutraceutical properties help to  support the unique probiotic population and provide essential fatty acids, like omega-7.  This is a prebiotic, NOT a probiotic.  Once the candida population is decrease Recovery will feed the individuals gut flora and restore gut health.

Topical Skincare

RESCUE MD, IMMERSE, and STEMFACTOR are used topically to restore skin barrier health, hydration, immunity, anti-inflammatory properties, activate epidermal wound and DNA repair.  The use of these topical products will provide immediate relief of symptoms and improve skin texture, pigmentation, and redness. Enriched with powerful active ingredients, these topicals breathes new life into your skin as it boosts repair, enhances moisture retention, and fortifies your skin against elemental stressors. 

Holistic Gut and Skin Health

At Skin Rx, we believe that true skin health begins from within. Our holistic approach combines mucus detox, candida detox, diet modifications, and stress management to rejuvenate your skin and enhance your overall wellness. Eczema and psoriasis protocols require a commitment of at least 90 days to experience lasting results.  You will experience significant changes within the first month. By addressing the root causes of eczema and psoriasis, we help you achieve a solution.

“Our bodies are constantly showing us what they need, all we have to do is understand the clues”

– Ben Johnson

Eczema prescriptions, topical or systemic, DO NOT treat eczema!  Watch the video and find out why.

Common Questions About Eczema

Here are some frequently asked questions about eczema and its holistic treatment options.

What causes eczema?

Eczema is caused by candida in your gut.  The toxins released from the candida will trigger immune and inflammatory responses from your immune system.   

Can diet affect eczema?

Yes, diet can play a significant role in managing and treating eczema at its source. Foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties, such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids, can help reduce symptoms. Avoiding mucus causing foods like dairy and gluten is also essential for wellness.  See the food list in this blog.

What natural remedies can help with eczema?

Natural remedies such as coconut oil, aloe vera, and oatmeal baths can soothe and moisturize the skin. Herbal teas like chamomile and green tea can also have anti-inflammatory effects.

How can stress management help with eczema?

Stress is a known trigger for eczema flare-ups. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress levels and reduce the frequency and severity of eczema symptoms.  Stress related eczema presents itself on the eyelids.  Frequency therapy present in this blog helps individuals to manage stress and relieve the symptoms presented on the eyelids.

Is it safe to use essential oils for eczema?

While some essential oils like Lavender and Frankicense oil have anti-inflammatory properties, they should be used with caution. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil and perform a patch test to ensure there is no adverse reaction.

Can exercise improve eczema symptoms?

Regular exercise can improve overall health and reduce stress, which in turn can help manage eczema symptoms. However, it’s important to shower immediately after sweating to prevent irritation.

Transform Your Skin with Personalized Care

Eczema is an unconfortable and to some emotionally taxing condition.  Embrace a natural approach to healing eczema and enhance your skin appearance and overall wellness. Start your journey to healthy and beautiful skin today!

Personalized Holistic Skincare and Wellness


17380 Alt. A1A Jupiter, FL 33477 Inside of Phenix Salon Suites Room no. 114



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(305) 335-8719

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