The Aging Skin

In the aging skin, the matrix gets thinner and thinner each year. This matrix keeps skin turgid and bouncy when young, while a thinner matrix leads to crepey skin in mature clients. Skin is easily injured and bruised in addition to irregular melanosome activity such as age spots on the backs of hands and elsewhere.

Outside of relieving the hyperpig­mentation and melasmas, the matrix cannot be restored topically and has little to do with transepi­dermal water loss (TEWL).

EFAs. The client must increase their ingestion of essential fatty acids (EFAs).  EFA are found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs, fish and olive oil. To really boost and thicken the matrix, evening primrose and sea buckthorn oil must be taken orally. Gel capsules can be found with a blend of those two oils for the client to take twice daily, focusing on EFAs that directly promote skin, nail and hair health. Evening primrose oil is also loaded with prostagl­andins, which help with menopause irregularity. The body does need other EFAs such as omega-3, but that can be taken in diet form.

Vitamins. Tocopherols (vitamin E) will aid in destroying free radicals that can attack skin cells. Vitamin A can increase fibroblast activity and lead to new collagen factories in the skin. At least 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin C, both topically and internally used, will kick-start these little factories into producing new collagen one and three, which can result in firmer skin.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein produced by our bodies and is what holds our body together. It is necessary for healthy skin, hair, nail, bones and connective tissue. However, once we reach our mid-20s, our collagen production declines. This is when you’ll start to see the aging process kick in with wrinkles and fine lines. Conditions like osteoarthritis are also highly associated with collagen decline, so it’s important to find good sources of collagen in your diet. So, what kind of foods should we look for? Here’s a list of foods that will boost your collagen production:

  • Berries
  • Grass-fed meat
  • Omega-3 rich fish
  • Dark green vegetables
  • Red fruits and vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
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